Ten Simple Steps Towards a Successful 2022

1. Sit down together as a family and write down at least 5 goals for each of you for 2022.

Think physically, mentally, spiritually and developmentally. Have fun discussing how you will achieve them. For example, less screen time may mean that your mobile device gets temporary jail time, or studying this year, may mean choosing and signing up for your course in January. We had great fun doing this exercise with our children, and explaining why it was necessary. Our two year old was so excited to give her input. Top of her list is learning shapes and taking her medicine without a huge fuss! (We look forward to this with great anticipation!)

2. End the year well financially.

Settle any outstanding accounts, payments and fees to the best of your ability. If you owe money to someone, and you have a bit of extra cash, now is a good time to say “Thank You” and settle, or pay a little towards that debt.

3. Honour your Parents.

To honour is to “fix a value upon”. Let them know how much you appreciate them and bless them. Many of us buy our parents gifts, but find it difficult to part with cash. If it’s within your means, send them some money that they can spend however they wish.

4. Start the process of building bridges and mending broken relationships that can be restored.

This starts with owning your part in the relationship breakdown, even if its 3%. Reach out, make amends if necessary or simply let them know that you will be there, whenever they may be ready to start afresh.

5. Make a decision to forgive those who hurt you.

Sometimes we carry hurt and pain from our childhood into our adult life. It continues to affect the way we think and impacts the decisions we make. Acknowledge the past, but resolve to live in the joy of the present.

6. Take some time to introspect.

Write down 5 lessons you have learnt this year. Acknowledge any personal shortcomings in behaviour and character and ponder on “How I can be a better Me in 2022”. Consider how you can be a better husband or wife, a better mum, dad or grandparent, a better son or daughter, a better employee, a better friend.

7. Pray

There has never been a more crucial time than now to bow before God in humility, to seek forgiveness and pray for His divine intervention, grace and strength. With the beginning of a New Year we have the opportunity to reset and restructure our priorities.

8. Map out a path for your spiritual development.

If you have been persistently unfaithful, now is a great time to resolve to be consistently faithful. Proverbs 28:20 says “A faithful man will abound with many blessings.” Be faithful in your devotional time with God. Be faithful to your local church. Be faithful in honouring God with your time, resource and skill.

9. Invest

Invest your time and money in efforts that yield results like a new study course, an exercise programme, learning a new skill and memorable experiences with your family. If you don’t have a retirement plan, a will, or an education fund for your children, put it on your to-do list for January.

10. Make a decision to stand out in your generation, and set the pace for generations to come.

Be the first to achieve a degree or diploma in your family. Be the first to stop the cycle of abuse, and addiction. Be the biggest giver in your lineage. Be a breaker – someone who “breaks through” and crafts a pathway for others to walk through.

Wishing you a blessed, safe and productive 2022!

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